Storage The Status of Storage Within Linux We evaluate LVM, Btrfs, and ZFS from the perspective of a desktop user. And we look at the pros and cons of the different storage technologies.
Proxmox Proxmox - Keeping Quorum with QDevices We will develop a way of maintaining high availability with a two or even node count Proxmox cluster deployment. To do this, we will be using what is considered a QDevice.
Linux A Technical Overview of Smartmontools Smartmontools is a very well known toolset for monitoring and querying storage health. We will take a look at the code of Smartmontools and see what we can learn from it. We will also take a look at the Linux storage system hierarchy and how communication takes place from a softwares perspective.
Linux Steams Proton Brings Gaming to Linux Proton is a compatibility tool which allows running Windows only games from within a Linux desktop.
Linux How to Create a Private Network in Proxmox In this article, we will look at how to create an internal network within a single Proxmox host.
Unix Useless Uses of cat We will be looking at the misuses of the Unix cat command. The so called Useless Uses of Cat (UUOC).
Gitlab Upgrading Major Versions with Gitlab In this post, we will learn what is required when upgrading Gitlab and how to perform an upgrade from a major version.
Gitlab Gitlab Installation Using an External Database How to install Gitlab while using an external PostgreSQL database.
Linux Purge Old Package Configuration Purge uninstalled Debian package configuration files from your system. Leaving your system slimmer and feeling fresh!
Linux Linux Power Management Utilities for monitoring and configuring power management settings on your Linux device.
Linux Tips and Tricks for the Proprietary Nvidia Driver The proprietary Nvidia Linux drivers are known for excellent performance and support for the companies latest products. In this post, we look at some general tips and fixes when using these popular binary blobs with in a Linux system.
DNS DNS Caching in Linux Many new Linux adopters are surprised to find that most Linux distributions do not cache DNS look-ups by default. You can easily install a DNS caching program yourself and reap the performance benefits that comes with it.
Ghost Ghost Using Docker and Nginx Ghost is an open-source blogging platform. The following instructions can be used to setup and manage a Ghost instance on your own Linux server.